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A private pay program for people with developmental disabilities ages 15 and older.


The mission is to enable the individual to become more independent by enjoying activities and opportunities, making friends, and having fun.  The program focuses on four components: Social, Education, Recreational, and Community Integration.


A County-funded, specialized program for adults with developmental disabilities.


The program is designed to provide skill-building and resources so consumers have opportunities to participate in their community.


Each individual has a tailored program to meet his/her needs.

S radostí oznamujeme, že Centrum vzdělávacích dovedností je otevřeno v běžné otevírací době, Po-Pá, 9-15 hodin. 

Máte-li jakékoli dotazy nebo nejnovější aktualizace, kontaktujte přímo našeho manažera podpůrných služeb Erica Moede na čísle 509-323-7517.
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